Frequently asked questions

How can I start therapy?

You can contact me by phone at 434-207-6491 to schedule an appointment. If I’m not able to answer due to an appointment or other responsibilities, please leave a message with your name, a phone number where I can return your call, and please let me know if I can leave a voicemail when I return your call. 

You can also request a free consultation by clicking “Request a Consultation” below. Please select an available time slot for the free 20-minute video consultation. You will receive instructions through the SimplePractice platform about how to join the video call. Please call me at 434-207-6491 if you have any questions prior to the call.


Please note that calling or requesting an appointment is for informational purposes only and does not establish a therapist-patient relationship with me.

Do you work with children or couples?

No. I provide individual (one-on-one) therapy for adults only.

How does online therapy work?

I conduct online therapy (telehealth) sessions by video meeting. The type of work we do, topics discussed during the sessions, as well as the length of sessions (50 min) and length of treatment are the same in online therapy as in-person therapy.  

Some people prefer online therapy because it is more convenient for them and reduces travel time to and from appointments. Much research suggests that online therapy is about as effective as in-person therapy. However, some patients and therapists prefer in-person therapy and feel that something is missing by not being in the same room.

Take a moment to consider your own needs and preferences for therapy and whether online therapy is a good fit for you. I am happy to answer any questions you have during a free consultation. Some risks of online therapy include technology issues that could interrupt sessions and concerns about privacy/security when transmitting information over the internet. Additionally, some mental health concerns should be treated in-person rather than online, for example, people experiencing a crisis requiring high levels of support are better served by in-person treatment.

If you are interested in online therapy, you will need to have access to a reliable internet connection and a private space where you can talk freely and comfortably without being overheard by others.

For online sessions I use SimplePractice, which offers a HIPAA-compliant secure video meeting platform. When you schedule an appointment you will receive an email with a link to your Client Portal where you can review and complete paperwork online before your initial session. You will also receive a link for our secure video appointment, and you have the option to sign up for email and text appointment reminders.

I am happy to answer any questions you have about online therapy/telehealth during the free consultation. We will discuss risks, benefits, and appropriateness of telehealth in more detail during the consultation and the initial session.

What is your cancellation policy?

The full session fee is charged for sessions that are cancelled less than 24 hours in advance. If you are more than 15 minutes late for a session, the appointment will need to be rescheduled and the full fee will be charged.

How does payment work?

Payments are accepted by credit card. You may also be able to use FSA/HSA cards to pay for services (FSA/HSA benefits cannot be applied to late cancellation or missed session fees). Your credit card will be billed on the day of the appointment through the same secure online system that I use for video calls.

Do you accept insurance?

I am not currently in network with insurance companies and am unable to accept insurance. This means that you pay me directly (“out of pocket”) for sessions. If your insurance provider offers out -of-network benefits, you may choose to request reimbursement for a portion of the cost of therapy. I can provide you with a monthly receipt for services that you can then submit to your insurance company to request reimbursement. I do not communicate directly with insurance companies. Please speak directly with your insurance provider before your appointment to inquire about your coverage and reimbursement.

Why don’t you accept insurance?

Unfortunately, there are some significant drawbacks to contracting with insurance companies, including limitations on the type and amount of care that I can provide. It is important to me that treatment decisions be made between me and my patient based on their needs, not based on restrictions imposed by insurance providers. Some patients also have privacy concerns related to their insurance provider’s access to their medical records.

How long does therapy take?

This answer depends on several factors, such as what led you to seek therapy and your specific goals. Many people see benefits from therapy in 8-16 sessions. Treatment could take longer if you have multiple issues you’d like to address. People who spend more time outside of the therapy session practicing skills and strategies discussed in session tend to see faster improvement. An important part of therapy is working together to set specific goals you’d like to reach, and regularly monitoring your progress toward those goals so that we can keep an eye on how therapy is working for you.

Where can I find a copy of the HIPAA privacy policies for your practice?

Please click here.

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